
Sorry, but it appears that the Turkey Trubl co-op is not for you.

Thanks for trying out, but it's time for you to wattle away now.  


Just kidding!  

Not about the quiz part, because you definitely failed that - but just kidding about the goodbye part, because you don't have to leave!  Please stay and enjoy the rest of the blog!  We have many fun FV2 things here for you to enjoy.  

There are hilarious newspaper articles, stories of brilliant entrepreneurship, musical numbers, film noir and other movie parodies, memes, magazines, gags, farming tutorials, religious treatises, tales of vengeance, tribute videos, and posts commemorating every holiday imaginable, including Christmas, Easter, St. Patrick's Day, Halloween, April Fool's Day, World Naked Gardening Day, National Taco Day, Back to the Future Day, and many, many more!  There is even an epic tale of a radioactive turkey named Carlos who saved Christmas!  

Yes, you read that correctly, his name is Carlos.

So relax and kick your feet up, view some of our comics, read some of our funny stories, and then go tell all your friends what a wonderful time you had here!  They will then all visit us and enjoy many smiles and laughs too, and they will have you to thank for it!

Then, the next time you get together with your friends at the pub, they will buy you drinks as you all reminisce about the awesome time you enjoyed while visiting the Turkey Troubles Blog!  You will share jokes and stories, sing songs and trade memes, and you will all laugh and giggle and maybe even guffaw as you rejoice in life and friendship and delicious alcohol.  Good times!