Thursday, September 3, 2015

Pain-tenance Time

All day long Zynga reminded us with a little message at the top of the game screen that they would be going down for a bit for maintenance this evening.  But that didn't make it any easier on us FV2 addicts when maintenance time finally arrived.

Frustrated FV2 players were treated to the screen shown above upon loading their favorite game.  At first most of us were like, "OK, so it's just an hour; I'll do something else for a bit and come back and the game will be improved!  No worries!"

But of course, our ignorant optimism soon turned into incredulous outrage as one hour turned into two, then three, and then four or more.  None of us could get into the game for most of the night, so we all sat about and vented and complained, commiserating with each other in various FV2 Facebook groups and message boards.

I tend to express my feelings about the game in a more visual way, especially when its down and my idle hands become the devil's workshop Photoshop.

"Any day now!"
"Just sayin'"

Yet, after all that down time no one seems to have noticed any game improvements whatsoever.  Typical!

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